Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Central Station

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry over a cellular network.

Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Central Station

Real-Time Mobile Cardiac Telemetry
Monitor Patients at their home, workplace, or anywhere there is cell phone coverage!

Only 3 Lead Wires
6 Cardiac View Transmission
Uses only 4 AA Batteries

Monitor Patients in their home or workplace
Where ever there is cell phone coverage!
Download Mobile Cardiac Telemetry PDFs here:
300-2W Transmitter
Advantages Of Our System
Now discharge cardiac patients with confidence.
Monitor 100% of discharged patient ECG at home/work for 3 to 30-days.
Never again miss any abnormal ECG episodes.
Help eliminate Medicare Re-Admission penalties.
Receive Real Tme Outpatient Telemetry, Holter, Cardiac Event, and SAECG reimbursements.
Validate patient Re-Admissions with undisputable data acquired by ECG Outpatient Telemetry Monitoring for medication compliance, and serious ECG abnormalities.
Send patients home earlier with better ECG monitoring than traditional hospital step-down telemetry.
Better than standard Holter ECG monitoring, by continuously displaying Real-Time telemetry ECG at the medical facility while storing the Holter ECG data for future analysis.
On a daily basis, know 100% of your discharged patients ECG activity.
Track medication results and patient drug therapy compliance.
Physicians will effectively and inexpensively have ALL the ECG data to assist in making better decisions.
Empower patient confidence in knowing 100% of their ECG is being monitored.
Real-Time 100% ECG Monitoring of patients at home, work, car, restaurant, park, etc.
Cardiologist has instant access to reviewing ECG data from office, home, and iPhone.
Enhance your discharge planning process, and coordinate Re-Admission plans with private cardiologists.
2014 Hospital APC billing codes 0209, 0096, and 0097 for significant reimbursements.
No capital equipment, service contract, maintenance, or upgrade expenses.
Access $500 million in Medicare PPACA home care grant funding.
Easy System set-up and use, plus Free Technical Support for all equipment.
Adaptation of state-of-the-art computerized ECG technology significantly improves heart care management while reducing cost of hospital care, providing worthwhile reimbursements, and validating needed Re-Admission plans.
Your Anywhere Cardiac Telemetry Station
Monitor 8 to 96 Patients ECG Simultaneously
6-Lead ECG with 720 Hours of Full Disclousure
Holter ECG Processing & Review
Remote Viewing by Authorized Medical Staff

6 Lead ECG Vectors

View and Print 6 Cardiac Views
The DMS 300-2W Telemetry Transmitter sends 6 cardiac views back to the CardioVision Central Station. These vectors can be viewed and analyzed at any time. Custom Reports can be compiled and printed to suit your needs.
Mobile Cardiac Telemetry is a relatively new concept in patient monitoring. Basically, a patient wears a "mobile telemetry monitor" that transmits its signal over a cell-phone network back to a hospital or other authorized facility. The patient is monitored in real-time, where ever they might be located. At home, work, or in a vehicle. The cardiac signal is monitored at the facility by a Cardiac Monitoring Technician and the cardiac waveform file is electronically stored for additional analysis by a cardiologist.
This form of cardiac care and best practices is in response to the new Affordable Care Act mandate. For more information on this read: "HHS Final Rules for Re-Admissions".
How it Works!

New Medicare Guidelines
HHS Final Rules For Re-Admissions
The federal government’s release of a final set of rules to try to lower Re-Admission rates at more than 3,800 acute-care and long-term care hospitals has started a clock that will have managers adopt new care strategies especially when it comes to monitoring the health of patients after they have been sent home. Under orders from Congress in the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services has adopted a deeply complex formula for evaluating when a hospital may risk a reduction in its Medicare payments, if it has an excessive rate of Re-Admission of patients who have been treated for heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia.
Under the new HHS mandate, hospitals would not have to provide care themselves after discharging their Medicare-eligible patients, but they would be expected to do enough follow-up to assure that patients and their doctors take steps to continue their recovery. Hospitals, federal officials believe, are best situated to develop and maintain a care-monitoring system to lower the likelihood that patients with serious illness will have to return to the Hospital for in-patient care.
The rules provide one example of what HHS has in mind for one of the three conditions that may lead to readmission: heart failure. In such cases, the rules say, “improved hospital and post-discharge care, including pre-discharge planning, home-based follow-up, and patient education have been shown to lower heart failure readmission rates, suggesting that heart failure Re-Admission rates might be reduced if proven interventions were more widely adopted.” This assessment would also apply to M.I. and Bypass patients, as well as procedures for Ablation, Stints, ICD, and Pacemakers.
The new rules, adopted Aug. 1, have been in full effect since Oct. 1, 2012. A hospital will be in danger of having its Medicare payments reduced if it is determined that too many patients treated for the three identified conditions have been readmitted within 30 days of discharge.
Hospital and Outpatient Telemetry ECG Heart Monitoring can reduce unneeded Re-Admissions and produce added reimbursements with lower costs to the Hospital facility.
Medicare Definition of Covered Indications:
Detection, characterization, and documentation of symptomatic, transient, or paroxysmal dysrhythmia when the frequency of symptoms is limited and the use of a 24-hour ambulatory ECG is documented in the medical record to be unlikely to capture and record the dysrhythmia.
Other testing and/or monitoring-recording-telemetry has been unrevealing. The ordering physician must document the prior testing performed and the results. This information must be maintained in the patient’s medical records.
Prolonged monitoring is required specifically to insure the absence of atrial fibrillation prior to the discontinuance of anticoagulation therapy.
Medicare’s definition of
Real-Time Outpatient Cardiac Telemetry:
Real-Time Outpatient Cardiac Telemetry involves the use of an automatically activated system that requires no patient intervention to either capture or transmit a dysrhythmia when it occurs.
The purpose of this service is for real-time, continuous, long-term (>24 hours) cardiac surveillance of patients in order to identify and document a suspected and/or paroxysmal dysrhythmia.
The device utilizes technology that allows for the electronic transmission of the ECG waveform in real-time to a receiving center.
A “receiving center” is a facility, such as a physician’s office, IDTF, or other specified station that is equipped and staffed with qualified personnel to assess ECG data and to initiate appropriate management action.
Surveillance is to occur continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while the patient is wearing the device.
Real-time outpatient cardiac telemetry is considered to be a service that has the potential to last from 3 to 30 days, per the ordering physician’s discretion.
The procedure must be performed under the general supervision of cardiologist or internal medicine specialist.
Narrow indications, such as palpitations or Post MI should not be used as an Indication for the test. Use one of the above Medicare specified Indications.